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Spending too much time on the couch with the ice cream tub? Finding it hard to get motivated to stay in shape? You are not alone! Winter provides us with a convenient excuse to stay warm inside watching Masterchef.
Here are a couple of tips to help motivate you to get the blood pumping and the heart thumping.
…But not with food!!! Having a positive reward for doing something hard is a great couch crowbar. A massage, a bunch of flowers, an hour reading a book. It doesn’t have to be big but the reward should be connected to the work. No cheating!
There is a great Chinese proverb that goes something like, “if you want to finish books, you should borrow them”. Subtle (or overt) social pressure is a great motivator when it comes to exercise as no one wants to let their friends down. There are community centres, casual sports teams, friends, family. Even the dog’s longing gaze at the lead hanging in the laundry is a good motivator.
Devotees of positive thinking will tell you to imagine the sun shining on your face as you walk through the streets, or the smell of the neighbours roses in order to get motivated. This might makes you feel good but it is really just day dreaming. What you really need is a plan. Book your exercise into the diary.
We are walkers here at Inspiration Outdoors but we are in to everything. Mixing up your exercise activities can make it a lot more fun… and if it is fun you are more likely to be motivated. Walking, swimming, cycling, weights at the gym, a few sets of stairs (our favourite for preparing for a long hike), kayaking, gardening. The list is endless.
The benefits of exercise far exceed mere weight management. It is good for every organ in your body including your brain. In fact many people put on weight when they exercise more as they build new muscles (which are much denser and heavier than fat). If you want a measure something as a motivator, go for skin fold or simply measuring your waist line with a $2 measuring tape.
I do this one all the time. I may not know when I am going to exercise but that dodgy short and sneaker combo is not coming off until I have done a work out. And spend a few dollars on a couple of good exercise outfits. You are more likely to want to put it on if it looks and feels good.
There you have our Inspiration Outdoor exercise motivation tips. If you have any of your own, please share them in the comments below.
Happy trails,
Team IO
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