Australian and NZ Explorers Crossword

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HOT TIP: One of our explorers had two surnames without a hyphen. You will need to use an underscore i.e. _ to correctly fill in the blank.

Test your knowledge of the early European explorers of Australia with this fun crossword.

We would like to acknowledge that Australia was NOT terra nullius when Europeans arrived, and that our indigenous people suffered much tragedy and hardship as result of European immigration / exploration. In some cases at the hands of the people in the above crossword.

That said, with all of their failings, the European explorers of Australia were an amazing bunch of people. In this age of convenience, we feel that reflecting on the hardships of their journeys provides profound insight. This reflection, needs to be balanced by the moral judgement of their actions from both a modern, and historical context. It makes no sense to ignore the good one has done, because of the bad, and no sense to ignore the bad, because of the good. We must acknowledge both.

On a less serious note, we hope you enjoy this crossword. Good luck with the French spellings! If you see any spelling mistakes or historical inaccuracies, please email us at

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