Cape to Cape Track Cape Hamelin

September’s Cape to Cape (x2) Tour Diary

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Spring started with a bang for us this year – with two back-to-back Cape to Cape tours.  For the first we had a wonderful group of seven, with guests from New Zealand, Canberra and Bunbury.  The New Zealanders were looking forward to a week in sunny WA but it seems they accidentally brought their weather over with them!  We had sunshine on the first two and the last two days, and everything from sun showers to hail in between!  Actually, one of the highlights was huddling together like penguins as we got hailed on for the third time in a day!  We all had good wet weather gear and it was quite exciting witnessing such energetic weather – the ocean that day was incredible.  It did help that each afternoon the bus was there waiting to take us back to a hot shower and a nice cup of tea by the fire.  And I think Nirala’s amazing dinners tasted even better after a day in the rain.

The sunny days were welcome though as we took our time admiring vegetation bursting into bloom, sculptural rock formations, the cool quiet forest, and cute little shore birds, like Hooded Plovers, scampering along the beach.  We reached the finish line in fine form as a team grown closer throughout the week.  The champagne cork flew out of the bottle that night. Well done guys.

Our next group was a smallie but a goodie and it gave us an opportunity to really get to know one another quickly.  The weather was spectacular! A special thanks to Anne’s angels and the wildlife did not disappoint.  Simon must have been the group’s lucky charm as most days that he walked the dolphins and whales were there in droves!

We met some other Cape to Capers doing the camping thing over the week and, although we felt bad for them as they trudged along with their heavy packs, it did help us appreciate the advantage of doing the Cape to Cape our way.  The Cape to Cape really is a beautiful walk and it’s so nice to have the energy to look around and smell the orchids (not that they smell!).  It makes us happy to make these walks as achievable and enjoyable as possible for people who may not otherwise get to experience them but it’s also nice seeing people out there doing their own thing.

After seven days of walking our group made it, fit and healthy, to the end; and let me tell you, the champagne didn’t disappear any slower with our smaller group!  Anne and Darrol had had a bottle chilling since Tuesday and they were barely out of the bus before we heard the familiar pop!  Congratulations on completing one of the worlds best coastal walks team!








Thanks to both of our Cape to Cape groups for two fantastic tours, we hope to see you all again.

Emily and Simon

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